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The Island - Orakel (2007) + Black Metal = Klabautamann - Merkur (2009)

11:31 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Progressive Death Metal

The Island is an awesome, awesome death metal band with progressive tendencies. They have this incredible guitar tone with groovy, melodic riffs that make you want to smash kittens. Or whatever. Anyway, knowing this, I figured: if their guitarists are so awesome, then other things they're involved with must be awesome. While this logic is somewhat faulty (correlation is not causation), I happened to be right this time: black metal band Klabautamann features one of Island's guitarists.

In the same vein as Island, this band is progressive, but KBMNN (lol) is black metal and has the soft-quiet dynamic utilized by tons of progressive bands. A word of warning, on the first track, the progression from loud to soft is awkward, but for some reason, every other one on the album is seamless and follows with what they had going. In addition, the quiet sections are more folk and ambient influenced than standard quiet acoustic sections. The riffs are just as retardedly awesome as they are in Island, with bearable black metal vox on top.


Because I love you, the fans, I will also include a link to Orakel, Island's devastating collection of several years of their work. It slays slays slays. Some of my favorite modern death metal, and it should be some of your favorite too.

Also Get.


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