Hold Up

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Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth

11:43 AM Posted by Qwetherington

I hate power metal. It's a genre full of boring, contrived acts repeating age-old melodies and harmonic ideas, not to mention the insanely stale lyrical content. It's always "PREVAIIIILLLL" and "FIIIIIIIIRE" and "HEAAAAAAAART" over perfect fourths, fifths or rising sixths. Basically power metal can go fuck itself.

This then, is a rare album. A bona fide good power metal album. And the best part is, this isn't just good. It's bloody INCREDIBLE. The vocals are passionate and soaring, but the production gives them a certain rawness that keeps them from entering "massive pussy" territory.
The music itself is stirring and catchy as hell, standout tracks being "Into the Storm" "Nightfall" and "Thorn" The album has a concept to it, which is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion."

Seriously this blog is so elite it will only post one power metal album ever. And it's this one. That means you should get it.

Trust me.


Crysis said...

Post just motivated me to listen to the album again. Still rules. Still the only power metal album worth listening to.

Joey Dunst said...

okay it does rule and holy shit crysis follows our blog?

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