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Panopticon/Lake of Blood - Split

11:19 PM Posted by Qwetherington

This is a split release by American one man project Panopticon and relative unknowns Lake of Blood. Seriously this is worth it just for the Panopticon side of the split. I mean Lake of Blood is a pretty good band; they're not atmospheric like Panopticon and play a pretty melodic brand of black metal, but their side pales in comparison to their split-mate's. You know what's awesome about Panopticon? He DOESN'T SUCK. Happy Joey? You better fucking be.

I prefer the other split Panopticon is involved with (the It's Later Than You Think split with Wheels Within Wheels), but if you're hankering for some quality black metal then this is, my friend, is your answer.

Fuck Wolves in the Throne Room, this guy is the best ABM around right now. You don't believe me? Listen to this or I'll take a dump on your chest, Cleveland Steamer style.


Joey Dunst said...

you could totally write more, like, be all, you know what's awesome about panopticon? they don't suck

Qwetherington said...

yeah i cbf at that time. might add shit in later. also i mean its panopticon and anyone whos gonna be interested in a split involving panopticon already knows him already

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