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Deftones - Around the Fur (1997)

7:10 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Nu Metal

Well, I just got back from Seattle. Now, before you quote statistics (apparently it’s only the THIRTEENTH rainiest city in America. That sure would mean something if there were only 20 cities here), let me say this: I am not surprised Kurt Cobain killed himself. If I had to wake up to rain every fucking day, and look out the window, and go “I’m married to Courteney Love and millions of College Kids love me”, I woulda gone and off’d myself right then and there. Seems ole Kurt had the same train of thought. That, or “huh, I wonder what this fancy metal lever does”.

On to music: what sucks as much as Seattle? Nu-Metal. It’s consistently boring (frankly, Dom put up the only other quality band a few weeks ago: SOAD. I, however, would argue that they are not Nu-Metal) and fascinatingly disappointing. Generally speaking, rap has the potential to be one of the most energetic of genres, and likewise metal is (personally speaking) the most energetic of genres. This is where the end result is not greater than its individual constituents (like Canada): almost everything that has ever been labeled Nu-Metal is unlistenable garbage, with nasally vocals, stale riffs and amateur lyrics (to name a few flaws). RATM, SOAD, and, the men of the hour, Deftones, are the three bands who have ever dabbled in the genre and come away safe. RATM, however, is more hard rock, so we’ll save them the trouble of being associated strongly with the genre. Deftones, I can confidently admit, was a band somewhat foreign to me until recently.

They are, as are their brethren bands SOAD and RATM, capable of being classified as hard rock. Melodic riffs and dreamy, fluid verses float over a driving backbone of a rhythm section. Now, me, I’m not much of a lyrics memorizer (a natural born flaw/talent), but I can still recognize when a band has worthy lyrical value. Deftones are one such band, and Around the Fur is their 1997 release, before band member Chino was hospitalized following a traffic collision. The album is more what you would consider “chill” metal; it’s something you can sit back and enjoy (though, not in a post-metal-y sense), though it’s not without its energetic moments.

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NotJesus said...

Thanks for throwing this up. While I agree that Deftones does have some pretty cool lyrics (they tend to set up themes/repetitive symbols for albums), "Back to School" off of White Pony has horrible lyrics! That aside, if you haven't checked out White Pony yet, definitely do it. Ignore their latest single and focus on White Pony.

Qwetherington said...

we both know and love white pony

NotJesus said...

Fucking great avatar. XD

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