Hold Up

The links on this blog have been added in order for music to be readily available to anyone who should want to hear it. If you download any of these files it is expected that you delete the music after a day or so. If you like an artist, buy their music and support them by going to shows and buying merchandise.

blog is dead

5:35 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Go here:

Anathema - Hindsight

9:30 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Yo Anathema

But like




9:46 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Dude rules. Here's the Nutcracker. Fuck you this is good shit plus nostalgia.

Part 1

Part 2

Zahrim - La Zagasthenu

11:13 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Solid EP by some Danish black metal band
check it out
or don't and be a fag

40 Winks - The Lucid Effect

11:51 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

yo it's all dreamy and shit
but it's like
instrumental trip hop
ya dig?

you should

Eric Whitacre - The Complete A Cappella Works

4:32 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Omfg so pretty


Airlock - Drystar

6:36 PM Posted by Qwetherington

get yo trip hop on yo


Flipper - Generic

6:29 PM Posted by Qwetherington

i say mr punk you certainly are noisy today

Vali - Forlatt

10:06 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

hey this is some new folkzxzxs

try it out

here you go neoing and folking

Benga - Diary Of An Afro Warrior

4:20 AM Posted by Qwetherington

awesome dubstep get it now its sexy

Brutality - Screams of Anguish

7:06 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

genre: DEATH METAL probably idk
so adam yourmomas thinks this is cool and practically bought me 2 hookers to post it here

so here it is

please get off my cock
you ugly whores

that means you too thomas

and i guess the pic is knda cool i gess idk

Index For Potential Suicide - Sex, Violence, Whatever (Discography)

9:14 PM Posted by Qwetherington

This is awesome. More screamo/hardcore goodness. A lot more. heaps of interesting stuff in this discog, definitely a must for fans of the genre.


In First Person - Lost Between Hands Held Tight

9:08 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Screamo/Hardcorey goodness get it now or later i dont mind actually no get it now

Opeth - Still Life

7:02 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

hey dom you're a fag


post more, dick

in the meantime more opeths

Opeth - Blackwater Park

10:00 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

hahaha half of you are going to be like wtf he posted this?

it's opeth
haven't heard?
you're dumb idk

Alasdair Roberts - Spoils

7:27 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Guy folks so hard.


Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty

4:03 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

folk metal that's nt al gay and purple
if you listn to it you myt slay a dragon
or want to
but if yr a real man yl slay a real dragon m kay?

giant sword of awesome

Ampere - All Our Tomorrows End Today

1:24 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Screamo/Hardcore

Album is 10 mins long. 11 songs. Fucking owns.

End ur tmws

Richard Youngs - Sapphie

1:20 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Lo-Fi Folk

Aw man now im all sad :(

this rules


War - We Are War (1999)

11:32 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

raw crusty black metal but apparently not kriegish enough to rasputin but he's a woman so no one cares

get ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttQ@

Built to Spill - Keep It Like A Secret

10:40 PM Posted by Qwetherington


can it wait for youu

Pantha Du Prince - Black Noise

10:29 PM Posted by Qwetherington

DANCE when im talking to you fgt


Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works I and II

10:24 PM Posted by Qwetherington

yo qwe whats with this slow bullshit

Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas

10:06 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Noise Rock

Noise rock band from Wales plays a catchy blend of alt rock, classic rock, punk and FUZZZ.

haven't listened to this enough to write at great length about it, but i'm definitely going to be listening to it a lot more because it rules.


Merciless - Unbound (1994)

6:25 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Old school death with some thrash thrown in,

also whoever thinks it's hilarious to post in the shoutbox as one of us, please find better ways to waste your time, because the only person laughing is you (Kris :/)

Insect Warfare/Hatred Surge - Split

5:36 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genres: Grind and Powerviolence

Two brutal, kickass bands. One split. I don't even need to convince you to get this.

but get it.


Knut - Challenger (2002)

10:49 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Metalcore

I hate metalcore.

This is metalcore I don't hate. Be excited.

Kaamos - Lucifer Rising

5:27 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Death Metal

Yeah this will be my fourth post in about 10 hours but I don't really care. I owe it to y'all.
Anyways the last three posts have been variants of hardcore so I thought I'd mix it up and throw in some death.
Kaamos is a Swedish death metal band that formed around 1998. This is their best work, Lucifer Rising. If you're into death metal that has an old school sound but has a slightly technical edge which, if you're a death metal fan, should be you, get it fucking now. It's bootiful.


Portrait - Discography

8:55 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Screamo

Essential screamo release. I've only been listening to it a short while and I already know that this is something special. Short amount of writing because this shouldn't need any.


Extortion - Loose Screws

8:50 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Hardcore

2010 hardcore is looking good. Short sweet 20 mins of music. I hired a secretary just so I could slap her after listening to this.
You should too.
slap what now bitch

Judge - What It Meant: The Complete Discography

8:39 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Hardcore

Judge was a straight edge hardcore band from New York formed in 1987. They ruled. This is their complete works in one album.

sorry bout posting so slowly. got a lotta essays

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada (1999)

9:12 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

Epic post rocks, and in celebration of their return to the land of the living, here's an excellent EP by them. Haunting melodies, floating vocals, and of course, the ominous BBF3 and his poem and rants.

Get Here

Deftones - Around the Fur (1997)

7:10 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Nu Metal

Well, I just got back from Seattle. Now, before you quote statistics (apparently it’s only the THIRTEENTH rainiest city in America. That sure would mean something if there were only 20 cities here), let me say this: I am not surprised Kurt Cobain killed himself. If I had to wake up to rain every fucking day, and look out the window, and go “I’m married to Courteney Love and millions of College Kids love me”, I woulda gone and off’d myself right then and there. Seems ole Kurt had the same train of thought. That, or “huh, I wonder what this fancy metal lever does”.

On to music: what sucks as much as Seattle? Nu-Metal. It’s consistently boring (frankly, Dom put up the only other quality band a few weeks ago: SOAD. I, however, would argue that they are not Nu-Metal) and fascinatingly disappointing. Generally speaking, rap has the potential to be one of the most energetic of genres, and likewise metal is (personally speaking) the most energetic of genres. This is where the end result is not greater than its individual constituents (like Canada): almost everything that has ever been labeled Nu-Metal is unlistenable garbage, with nasally vocals, stale riffs and amateur lyrics (to name a few flaws). RATM, SOAD, and, the men of the hour, Deftones, are the three bands who have ever dabbled in the genre and come away safe. RATM, however, is more hard rock, so we’ll save them the trouble of being associated strongly with the genre. Deftones, I can confidently admit, was a band somewhat foreign to me until recently.

They are, as are their brethren bands SOAD and RATM, capable of being classified as hard rock. Melodic riffs and dreamy, fluid verses float over a driving backbone of a rhythm section. Now, me, I’m not much of a lyrics memorizer (a natural born flaw/talent), but I can still recognize when a band has worthy lyrical value. Deftones are one such band, and Around the Fur is their 1997 release, before band member Chino was hospitalized following a traffic collision. The album is more what you would consider “chill” metal; it’s something you can sit back and enjoy (though, not in a post-metal-y sense), though it’s not without its energetic moments.

Get here!

Emancipator - Soon It Will Be Cold Enough

8:09 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Trip Hop

For some reason there is a dearth of shitty trip hop in the world. Seriously every trip hop release I listen to is good. Emancipator is no exception. His beats and melodies are up there with some of my favourite electronic releases in recent memory.
This release is insanely pretty and catchy, but also has immense replay value.

In particular, the last few songs from "Lionheart" onwards just rule so hard.

Phones you should def check this one out.


Unveiled - Anti-God Behavior (2002)

9:54 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: black metal
Kriegish black metal with icy cold riffs and..

just kidding I don't think I could keep talking like that. Solid black metal from some country. I don't remember which one. Just pick a country. Estonia. Why not? Magnus needs something to be proud of anyway. Solid riffs and standard vox, what's there to complain about?

Nothing. It was a hypothetical question, jackass.


System of a Down - Steal This Toxicity of a Down!

10:47 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Nu-Metal

So these guys are the best ever nu-metal band. The quirky, dark and sometimes very astute lyrical content is delivered by one of the best vocalists I've ever heard in Serj Tankian. His voice is often operatic and epic, but he also snarls, screams, raps and squeals lyrics.
The music ranges from brooding and atmospheric, to nonsensical and hilarious, to political and so on. The point is that you'll find so much awesome and different shit on these three releases that it's impossible to not like anything. Trust qwe.

trust qwe
Selftitled. Their best. Totally crazy and intense. Vocals aren't as powerful, neither is the production, but the music is perfect. "Circus Thrash"

trUSTqwe Toxicity. Their most popular and an excellent album. Not as interesting as their debut but it has some better individual songs.

TRUST QWE!!! Steal This Album! Awesome collection of great songs. People call this a "b-sides" collection but I personally enjoy this more than Toxicity for its sheer variety and entertainment value.

Bone Awl - Meaningless Leaning Mess

6:00 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Black Metal

You want black metal? That's cool dude, good choice. Great genre for this time of night. Kick back with those icy cold riffs and chilling vocals and the shitty production that gives the music its fucking edge.


You want good production? You astronomical failure. I can't believe you're able to look such a hopeless piece of muck in the eye every morning when you brush your teeth. Just go. Get the fuck out.

Hey man. Hey.
Hey. I'm sorry. I got worked up. Stop cry-


Stop crying. Chill. I overreacted. I'm sorry, ok?

Here maybe this will change your mind about production in black metal. This is edgier than Keira Knightley in a dodecahedron factory.

She's still hot though.

The National - Alligator (2005)

9:13 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Indie

This band will put hair on your chest and it might give you those balls you've desperately been needing. Fuck Extenze and Rogaine and all that other shit; this band will do it just fine. Only for those who wish to be manly. Or enjoy good tunes.

Grow a pair.

Dr. Octagon - Dr. Octagonecologyst

6:15 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Hip-Hop

Fans of Deltron look no further.

This is one of the most hilariously weird rap albums ever. Dr. Octagon is one of rapper Kool Keith's (née Keith Thornton) many pseudonyms. Dr. Octagon is a time-travelling alien gynecologist/surgeon, whose history is described throughout the album through abstract lyrics complete with non-sequiturs and borderline pornographic content. He ain't such a great surgeon though, as most of his patients die. He's a pretty shit gynecologist too, and one of his favourite pastimes is pretending to be a female gynecologist then screwing his patients/nurses.

The beats and music itself is an amalgamation of electronica, trip-hop, psychadelic music and hip-hop

As weird as these lyrics and the concept may be, the album is pulled off with such a degree of flair that it doesn't matter. Who cares about how weird the lyrics are when they're this fucking good? I don't, which means you shouldn't either. Get this if you enjoy good music.

Which is here.

Amanda Woodward - La Decadence De La Decadence

7:05 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Screamo

Blog needs more skramz. Euroskramz, that is. Pick it up, enjoy it. Or else. These guys were incredibly influential, and you can't call yourself a screamo fan if you haven't heard this. Well you can, but then I'd be forced to call you a phallus. And you don't want that. Have you ever been called a phallus? It hurts.


Daughters - Hell Songs

11:29 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: I have no fucking idea. Something metal.

Daughters are a grind/noise/whatever/something/idon'treallyknow metal band that play a spastic, energetic form of metal with a weird catch: the vocalist sings almost entirely in a sort of weird spoken-word drawl. Oh, and the bass sounds like it's going to end your existence. Really. It's that awesome. Hell Songs is their sophomore release; they just released a new album which you can find a stream for a couple of days (though, that link will die).


Broadcast & The Focus Group - Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age

2:50 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Experimental

Weirdest music ever. This is like the Dirty Projectors, but not annoying as fuck.
I have no idea how to classify this music, so I'll describe it as eclectic freak-folk/electronica with liberal shades of psychadelic stirred in.

All the songs (bar one) are short too so they don't get boring. This be a COOOL album.


Kickass qwEPs and qwEMOs

5:02 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Here are some awesome EPs and demos for y'all to boogie down to. Except, some of this isn't really boogie material. Nonetheless these all rule and you need them. Extra music in this post to make up for my horrible lack of postage over the past week. Titles are the download links.

Agalloch - Of Stone, Wind and Pillor

EP; Genre: Black Metal, Folk, Post Rock

It's Agalloch, need I say more? Basically imagine taking a cold shower but you're dry. This music makes you shiver and squirm, but leaves you wanting more. Catchy buzzy black metal riffs surround beautiful folk interludes, and shades of post rock can be distinguished among the tracks. Texture is the focus of the EP, the band's affinity for such evident in their use of acoustic guitar over walls of distorted riffs and their complementing of strings with horns and resonating bass vocal drones.

Summer isn't coming; Arise, Arise
- Kneel To The Cross

Mayhem - Deathcrush

EP; Genre: Black Metal

Mayhem isn't the best black metal act around, but their releases are all varied and worth a listen in any case. Deathcrush is a short and sweet burst of intense, raw black metal and is probably the band's second best release after the classic De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Plus it has a song called Chainsaw Gutsfuck. Worth it just for that.

Cruciamentum - Convocation of Crawling Chaos

Demo; Genre: Blackened Death Metal

Cruciamentum means "torture" in latin. Fuck yeah. This is an awesome slab of old school death metal with some black metal aesthetics. The drumming is absolutely mind-blowing and the production is murky and claustrophobic. Three bestial songs. 18 minutes. No bad parts at all.

Immolation - Hope and Horror

EP; Genre: Death Metal

Immolation proved this year that they were still one of the world's greatest death metal bands with the stellar Majesty and Decay, and fans applaud liberally the classic Close to a World Below but there is an oft-forgotten EP from 2007 which is very listenable indeed. Although the record it preceded was, by the band's standards, nothing special, this extended play is unexpectedly good. However it does lack the massive production from Close to a World Below, tending to come off as more tinny sounding.

The Dillinger Escape Plan - Irony Is A Dead Scene

EP; Genre: Mathcore

Best Dillinger release ever. Seriously. Vocals kick ass (Mike Patton), instrumentation kicks ass, music doesn't ever bore. Quirky, insane, jazz-influenced mathcore. Fucking yes.

Solar Fields, Lisa Miskovsky - Mirror's Edge Original Videogame Score (2009)

8:41 AM Posted by Joey Dunst

In late 2008, a little game was released known as Mirror's Edge. A lot of critics found the story lack and the gameplay somewhat forced; others found the parkour inspired first person action and responsive, intuitive controls refreshing and rewarding. I happen to be one of the people who fall into the second category; I absolutely loved this game for reasons that are beyond me, though my best guess is that it's the first game that makes me feel like the character I'm playing isn't retarded (think of how in a lot of games, you can't swim, or like... in Guild Wars, you can't jump). Basically, given any situation in the game, I always felt like I had the necessary abilities to do it. I loved the game for it's unique visual style, which had a mostly white palette with a heavy emphasis on primary colors for direction.

In addition to all this, however, Mirror's Edge had an absolutely fantastic soundtrack. Ambient and Low-Fi composed by the one man group Solar Fields (with the last two tracks composed by Lisa Miskovsky). The last song, Still Alive, is completely unrelated to the similarly named infamous song from Portal. All in all, the tracks combine city evocative ambience to pulse-
pounding techno, all wrapped up in a crisp, clean production.

Getttttttttt (it's big).

Also, you should play the game.

Smog - Knock Knock

9:24 PM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre - Indie, Experimental

Bill Callahan is brilliant. Starting out as an artist whose music had a very experimental aspect to it, he recorded a lo-fi brand of mostly intstrumental music. After about 1993 his music increased significantly in sound quality. He is also now much more lyrically focused and possesses a baritone voice, singing without emotion. The lack of emotion in his voice is not a detriment to the music, rather it enhances the sense of singularity his music already has. His lyrics are also fantastic. Callahan utilizes repetition of simple melodies, chord progressions and so forth in his songs, tending to avoid the typical verse-chorus-verse structure. The tracks are quite sparse, but you'll hear occasional bursts of lushness, which helps keep the music from becoming uninteresting. The song "No Dancing" is a good example of this, laced with guitar fuzz, horns and violins.

Basically this rules and you should get it.

The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead

3:59 AM Posted by Qwetherington

Genre: Indie, Post Punk

There are lots of good singers in the world. Beyonce has a good voice, as does Chris Cornell. Jesse Lacey and Justin Vernon are also individuals to which this label applies (in my superior opinion).

To me, it's pretty special when a vocalist comes along who is truly great. Morrissey is one of them. Blessed with a voice possessing a sort of creamy quality and phrasing to match, his brilliant lyrics soar over the catchy and ingenious jangly guitar lines of Johnny Marr in a songwriting partnership that is extraordinarily hard to find fault with. It manages to s ound deliciously raw, but polished at the same time. People say that The Queen is Dead is The Smith's best. I agree. Everyone needs to hear this album. It's as close as you can get to post punk/indie rock perfection. The atmospheres and melodies contained within this are just beautiful, and you cannot help but be immersed in this record. Seriously man.


Hot Chip - The Warning (2006)

7:12 PM Posted by Joey Dunst

Genre: Indie

Hot chip are an dance-y indie alt-rock band that have been making some waves for the past few years with their lovable melodic songs. A fuzzy tone gives them a dreamy, smooth sound that goes down easy, Infectious melodies and catchy lyrics give them an amicable sound that's easy to like but sometimes can be rather hard to take seriously. Lots of fun and rather relaxing, worth a listen over their allegedly average new material.

Get me nau!